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Author Feedback

Matthew P Rutman 

Matthew P Rutman 

Columbia University, USA

Matthew Rutman, M.D., is the Director of Voiding Dysfunction, Incontinence and Urodynamic Center at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center. He is an Associate Professor of Clinical Urology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He graduated with honors from Emory University and The Chicago Medical School. After completing his residency at William Beaumont Hospital, Dr. Rutman completed a fellowship in female urology, voiding dysfunction, neurourology and urodynamics under world renowned Shlomo Raz, M.D at the UCLA Medical Center.
Dr. Rutman is board-certified in urology and female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery (FPMRS). His practice is limited to male and female voiding dysfunctions including urinary retention, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), interstitial cystitis, prostatitis, urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, neurogenic bladder, urinary tract infections, and reconstructive female urology surgery for vaginal prolapse, urethral diverticulum and vesico-vaginal fistulae. He has authored over 40 book chapters and publications in leading journals and urology textbooks. His clinical and research interests are in male and female incontinence, vaginal prolapse, voiding dysfunction, urodynamics and surgical outcomes.
Professional Associations:
 American Medical Association; Society of Urodynamics and Female Urology; American Urologic Association; Endourology Society; American Urogynecologic Society; International Continence Society; Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society

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